Hello, Creative.
This is a place for people who like to design and write and make art and crafts. It's especially for you if you find it hard to call yourself an artist or creative because you've been listening to the awful voices in your ear and your head that say, "only people born with talent can be artists" or "creativity doesn't pay the bills" or "there's nothing you can make that hasn't already been made." I've heard those voices, too. It's time to stop paying attention to them. They don't know what they're talking about.
What you'll find here is the story of my mid-life artist-becoming journey, the never- ending quest for a life well lived, and what I learn about the simple actions, practices, and habits that help me be a better creative and a better human.
Come along. We'll become curious and courageous creatives, together.

I'm Kristen. After a 30-year corporate career, I'm getting ready to slow roll into retirement and begin again with a second act as an artist and creative entrepreneur. It'll be messy but that's how creativity works.
Let's go.

CREATE. Every day.
Everyone is born to be creative. But creativity is like a muscle. It will grow and improve if it gets used regularly; it will atrophy if it doesn't. Creativity wasted is a little bit sad. So make your art. Practice your craft (or many crafts). Work your designs and solutions to problems. Don't make it hard. Keep your mind open to trying something new in a studio, in the kitchen, in the garden, in your community, anywhere. Create to express yourself. Create to make an impact. Create for joy.

Design a good LIFE.
A life well-lived comes down to knowing what matters most and then making decisions every day to prove it. Chase joy. Connect with other good humans. Give to other good humans. Be intentional.

Be a little BETTER.
Perfection doesn't exist, mastery never fully arrives, best doesn't last. Better happens with small changes every day. Be a little kinder to your neighbor and to yourself. Show a little more empathy to strangers. Take a little better care of the planet. Practice gratitude. Practice forgiveness. Practice mindfulness. Practice your art. Small things matter.