This post was originally published July16, 2016, on my blog, Bacon and Wine. I'm republishing today as a matter of record and a matter of example. It shows the intent of Pondering Acres in the beginning, something very different than the Pondering Acres of today. The lesson here is that getting started is what matters. There will always be change. Good change happens if you stay true to what you value and just keep going.
If the title of this post has led you to believe that I’m giving up my two favorite food groups, I only have two things to say: 1) You don’t know me very well and 2) Don’t be ridiculous.
I remain fully committed to eating bacon and bacon-y things and drinking wine with or without those things. But the oh-so-clever domain name, baconandwine.com, will be surrendered to the Internet gods in a few weeks and the posts normally referenced there will become one with those on our new ponderingacres.com site.
When I started blogging in 2009, it was the Seinfeld of blogs–a blog about nothing. But it gave me a space to write for fun, for practice, for therapy. It allowed me to pretend to be a real writer, which essentially means I became one. I’ve enjoyed collecting posts and thoughts and words over the years. Good words in the right order can be hard to come by so it’s been a good exercise to keep records.

On ponderingacres.com, the blog will be about something. Observations regarding life’s random pairings and casual passions will continue but the focus will be what we’re growing, making, learning, and pondering as we build this tiny farm and small business. We’ll share our successes and failures because both are worthy things to document. Our first rule about good business is to help people. So, we’ll try to help people who are fellow gardening and tiny farm enthusiasts, those who favor good food, good health, and good dogs, and those who find joy in learning.
Here we go…