I love a good mantra. A few words that represent how I think, what I believe or aspire to. Simple truths. Motivation. Reminders about how to act. The following are the mantras I kicked around this year related to Pondering Acres and my life as an artist and creative. There's nothing profound here. Certainly nothing new or novel. But these are the words that sum up my commitment to living a creative life. As we wind down 2023 and spin up 2024, I want share these with you. Feel free to use any or all that speak to you. Let's have our best creative year yet.
To be creative, act like a creative person.
Many years ago, a boy who broke my heart gave me an "I'm breaking up with you" card that said, "To be happy, act happy." I've long since forgotten the boy, but the sentiment stuck with me. It's a simple philosophy, but it works in many contexts. To become anything, we need to act like we already are that thing. It's the doing that moves us forward, not the planning or hoping or dreaming. Want to be a runner? Run. Want to be a writer? Write. Want to be a leader? Do what good leaders do. What to be successful? Act like you already are. To be creative, create.
Design a good life.
There are so many cliches about "living your best life." Designing a good life suggests owning the creative solutions that help you live your personal version of good. Know what matters most and then make decisions every day to prove it. Be intentional.
Create. Every day.
See "To be creative, act like a creative person" and "Design a good life" above. Make creativity a part of your life in the way food is a part of your life. Make it a habit like brushing your teeth. Why? Because creativity, especially art making, is good for your brain. It's good for your soul. It makes you feel better. It brings joy, it solves problems, it leads to innovation. It's fun. It's important. It creates connection. Creativity makes all of us better.
Ponder more.
Curiosity is the key to creativity. Ask more questions. Wonder. Use your imagination. Suspend judgment. Learn.
Chase joy.
Go after what makes you happy. Enjoy the simplest things. Focus on the good around you. Practice gratitude.
Be a little better.
If you're learning something new, be patient with yourself. Let go of perfection. Take just a small step forward every day. Being a little more skilled or kinder or empathetic or healthier adds up over time. Celebrate the small wins. Small things matter.
Keep going.
If it matters, stick with it. Success does not come easily or quickly—ask any successful person. We usually don't see the hard work and setbacks and grit that lead up to other's success. But those things are part of any growth journey. You know what happens when you stop working on the goal—nothing. Imagine what will happen if you keep going.
A question I ask myself and others frequently is, "Is there a simpler way to do this?" And the answer is almost always "Yes." It seems humans tend to complicate things. It's a "more is better" philosophy. Subscribe to "less is more" and see what you get. Simplify to be healthier, to free up your time, to free up your brain, to be more creative.
There you have it. Eight actions for living a creative life. Happy New Year.